Vasculaze Treatments in Gatineau, QC

Vascular lesions, such as spider veins, are common for both men and women, and factors like age, genetics, weight gain, pregnancy and a sedentary lifestyle increase the likelihood of unwanted blemishes on various parts of the body.

While benign, angiomas, telangiectasias, and leg veins can cause patients to feel self-conscious. Because of this, many patients avoid situations where they feel obligated to show the parts of their bodies affected by these lesions, and as the problem areas potentially progress, they feel even more restricted in what they can wear and do.

Vasculaze laser treatments from InMode are specifically designed to target vascular lesions, improving the look and feel of various skin concerns and allowing patients to experience relief from dark or unsightly veins and skin blemishes.

Dr. Patricia Berbari and her team at MedicSPA Gatineau are proud to add Vasculaze to their line of laser, pulse light, IPL LUMECCA, and radiofrequency technologies by InMode, providing medical-grade aesthetic services that help patients reach their goals.

Contact MedicSPA Gatineau at (819) 414-2200 to learn more about how Vasculaze treatments can help you attain clear skin free of spider veins and blemishes.

What Is Vasculaze?

Vasculaze treatments use a laser to target the blood vessels that cause blemishes and lesions. This is a precise and safe treatment for various face and leg lesions through the specifically designed head that pinpoints the vein or vein network.

The laser sends light pulses into the vein, breaking up the pigment and causing veins and lesions to fade and disappear over time. Common areas of treatment include:

  • Face
  • Décolleté
  • Arms
  • Upper thighs
  • Back of thighs
  • Lower legs

During your consultation with Dr. Berbari, she will assess the type of veins or lesions you are concerned with and create a treatment plan that best addresses your desired results.



What Are the Benefits of Vasculaze?

Visible lesions can be long and bulging, or they can be small, fine, and short. Sometimes, lesions appear in a singular line, spreading across multiple body areas; others form a cluster in one central area.

Vasculaze gently and safely treats existing lesions and prevents them from spreading or worsening. Vasculaze is non-invasive, safe, and effective, providing consistent and long-lasting results.

Patients can experience diminished or eliminated veins and skin lesions for clearer skin.

vasculize results


How Are Vasculaze Treatments Performed?

The Vasculaze handpiece is placed against your treatment area, and the laser emits a pulse of light to the blood vessel or skin lesion, breaking up pigment or damaging the vein. In the case of skin lesions, the pigment is broken up so the body can absorb it. Once veins have been damaged, the blood is rerouted to other veins, and the body disposes of the damaged blood vessel.

Patients refer to the laser treatment as a slight rubber-band snapping sensation, causing minimal pain.The specialized handpiece provides contact cooling for added comfort.

The length of your session will vary depending on the size of the treated area. Individual veins, for example, can be treated within seconds, while larger areas will take longer.

Before and after results


Are There Any Risks Associated With Vasculaze?

All laser treatments carry risks of bruising, redness, blistering or burns to the skin. However, Vasculaze is safe and effective for eliminating spider veins and skin lesions.

Vasculaze is not intended to treat varicose veins that are thickened and raised.

Patients should adhere to aftercare instructions such as applying SPF to the affected area after treatment and avoiding heavy exercise, as this increases blood flow.

Love your skin


Is There Downtime After Vasculaze Treatments?

There is no downtime associated with Vasculaze. Patients can return to normal activities after treatment, which often only takes minutes.


When Will I See My Results?

You may be able to see improvement after your first session with Vasculaze. Most patients need three to four sessions per area for the best results.

Results with Vasculaze are considered permanent, although life changes, such as weight gain, long periods standing up, or pregnancy, may cause new lesions to form.

Before and after results

MedicSPA Gatineau

Why Should I Choose MedicSPA Gatineau?

It is important to entrust your laser treatments to a licensed medical technician. While Vasculaze is considered safe and effective, it should only be administered by medically supervised professionals with adequate training and expertise in skin treatments.

MedicSPA Gatineau is a state-of-the-art facility overseen by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Patricia Berbari. Our facility offers a wide range of non-invasive aesthetic procedures to help you reach your skin and body goals. You can feel confident in the level of care you will receive at MedicSPA Gatineau as Dr. Berbari has a hand in every step of your cosmetic process, as she curates your treatment plan during the consultation to ensure you receive personalized and effective care.

Dr. Patricia Berbari is the Past President-elect of the Canadian Laser & Aesthetic Specialist Society (C.L.A.S.S.) and a member of several societies, including:

  • Collège des médecins du Québec
  • Association des spécialistes en chirurgie plastique et esthétique du Québec
  • Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
  • Canadian Laser and Aesthetic Specialists Society
  • International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery